Navigating the complex legislation that deals with veterans’ entitlements can be challenging — and that’s where you can find assistance at the Epping RSL.
According to Qualified Level Two advocate, Shane O’Keefe, many veterans are unaware of the assistance they are entitled to, and for many individuals, following the process and dealing with the various government agencies is confusing and a cause of great stress.
Anyone and everyone who has served – Army, Navy, Air Force, permanent, reserve, male, female – can come in for assistance. Veterans are encouraged to come in and get advice before attempting any online claims, as once that information is submitted, it can be very difficult to alter if it’s incorrect.
Liaising primarily with the Department of Defence and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), veterans can access service and medical records, obtain documentation and have claims for their service-caused conditions processed. More specifically, the services available include:
· Claims and assistance with all Veterans Affairs Pensions.
· Claims for compensation for service caused conditions.
· Proof of Service – discharge papers.
· Proof of defence or war caused injury.
· Bereavement assistance.
· War Widows Pensions.
· Income support.
· Applying for Service Medals
· Advice on DVA transport arrangements.
“People are unsure what they are entitled to, and we can help them with almost anything from claiming for injury or illness that happened during their time in the defence force, to assisting partners of deceased veterans to access pensions,” Shane said.
The advocacy services are available at the Epping RSL on Tuesdays between 10.00 AM and 3.00 PM. It is recommended for your convenience that you make an appointment by calling the RSL on
03 9408 1566 or by email
The welfare officer is to provide welfare assistance to Veterans, widows and dependants who have limited means to fund essential requirements. There services and supports are Free, Confidential, Non-Judgmental, and supportive.
The types of assistance provided could include and are not limited to:
·Home, Aged Care & Hospital visits.
·Emergency Food.
·Replacements of household items.
·Funeral Assistance.
·Emergency Repairs.
·Garden maintenance.
·Hearing Aids.
·Medical Alarm monitors.
·Mobility aids and appliances.
These services are available at the Epping RSL, and it is recommended that you contact the RSL on
03 9408 1566 or email to organize a meeting that suits.

If you have served or are currently serving in the ADF, you and your family members can use OPEN ARMS- VETERANS & FAMILY COUNSELLING.
To get support or find out more call 1800 011 046 or by following this link
RSL Active provides a way to connect with other veterans and develop social networks, share ideas, tell stories, enhance support circles, and improve physical and mental health.
The RSL Active program is open to all veterans and their immediate families*. Importantly you do not need to be a RSL member to be part of RSL Active.
There are regular RSL Active events held through RSL Sub-Branches around Victoria. For more information about events in your location, please contact or (03) 9655 5573.